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© This Website is Copyright of Sew Simple Australia PTY LTD 2017 by your entry to this website you agree that all content available is of the ownership of Sew Simple Australia Pty Ltd and /or its business partners in conjunction with the web design by Collaborative systems PTY LTD.

We together with the owner entities of the brands displayed on our site own and control all the copyright content and other intellectual property rights in Sewsimple.com.au and any brand material on our site Sew Simple.com.au has the express permission to utilise content from the appropriate entities Except as permitted under copyright law. Under the Copyright Act 1968 it is an offence to knowingly import, possess, sell, distribute or commercially deal with an infringing copy, offer for sale infringing copies of computer programs, transmit a computer program to enable it to be copied when received.
Under this agreement you may not reproduce or communicate any of the content on this website, including files downloadable from this site, without express permission of Sew Simple Australia PTY LTD.
1. You may:
• As an individual: View pages from our site in a browser platform, by the means of a web browser download pages from our website for caching in a web browser , print pages from our site, stream audio and video files from this website and use the services provided by sewsimple.com.au subject to other provisions of this agreement
• As a commercial entity: View pages from our site in a browser platform, print pages from our site, stream audio and video files from this website and utilize the services provided by sewsimple.com.au to the benefit of Sew Simple Australia PTY LTD subject to other provisions of this agreement.
2. Unless expressly permitted by this agreement and the copyright act of 1968 you must not download and save any content contained within the Sew Simple Website to your computer, cloud data storage platform or any other intellectual device and/or platform
3. You may only use this website for either for your personal or commercial business purpose and must not use our site for any other purpose or intention.
4. Unless expressly permitted by Sew Simple Australia and this agreement you must not edit or alter or otherwise modify the content of Sew Simple.com.au
5. Unless you own and/or control the trademarks or copyrights to the content of Sew simple.com.au you must not:
• Republish material on our site (including republication on another website)
• Sell, rent, get any commercial gain or sub-licence content from this site
• Show any material from our site in public (??? Don’t know if we need this)
• Exploit material from our site for a commercial purpose or redistribute content and/or material from our site, save to the extend expressly permitted by this agreement.

You must not:
• Utilise sewsimple.com.au in anyway or take any action that causes or may cause damage and/or disrepute to Sew Simple Australia and the website or impairment of its performance, availability or accessibility of the site
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• Conduct any systematic or ordinated data collection activities (including without limitation scraping, data mining, data extraction, and harvesting) on or in relation to our site or about but not limited to products and information without written consent of Sew Simple Australia.
The Australian Copyright Act allows certain uses of content from the internet without the copyright owner’s permission. This includes uses by educational institutions and by the commonwealth and state governments, provided fair compensation is paid. For more information visit www.copyright.com.au and/or www.copyright.org.au.
The owners of content in this website may receive compensation for the use of the content by Sew Simple Australia, including from licencing schemes managed by the Australian Copyright Agency.
Sew Simple Australia Reserves the Right to change the conditions of copyright and terms of use at any time any miss use of content and plagiarism of sewsimple.com.au will be a breach of the Copyright Act 1968 Penalties include fines of up to $117 000 for individuals and up to $585 000 for corporations. The possible term of imprisonment is up to five years.
We take our copyright seriously if we discover any individual, company and/or entity have used the content of sewsimple.com.au in contravention to this agreement all parties commercial and individual may be subject to legal proceedings seeking monetary (inclusive of court costs) and/or injunctions to stop all parties utilizing the content of this website If you learn of any unlawful material or activity on our website or any activity that has or could potentially breach this notice users must advise Sew simple Australia by phone or email or also be in breach of this agreement and its liabilities.

All trademarks utilised on sewsimple.com.au are the owned by their perspective commercial entities it is an offence to Under the Trade Marks Act 1995 it is an offence to:

• falsify a registered trade mark
• falsely apply a registered trade mark
• alter or remove a trade mark, knowing it is a registered trade mark
• make a die, block, machine or instrument that can help in falsifying or removing a trade mark
• sell, possess, distribute or import a good, knowing that the trade mark has been falsified or removed.
Penalties include up to five years imprisonment and fines of up to $99 000.

This Copyright Agreement, terms and conditions, material and/or content may be used with the permission of Sew Simple Australia by writing to us via the email provided on this site, by post in conjunction with a telephone conversation with the directors of Sew Simple Australia PTY LTD

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Visit Sew Simple Canberra


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